速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Tripsy - Find travel partner

Tripsy - Find travel partner





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Made with ❤️ in India

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖1)-速報App

Looking to travel on your upcoming holidays? But all your friends are busy or already have plans? Fret not, Tripsy is here to rescue. Find a travel buddy for your next trip with Tripsy.

Swipe-Match-Chat and discover your next tour mate. Explore a whole new set of possibilites with a new companion. Pack your bags and embark on a journey to remember.

Now everytime you feel Tripsy, find a partner to travel with.

How to use?

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖2)-速報App

1. SignIn to your account

2. Set your location and search preferences

3. Set your Travel Interests

3. Swipe Right/Left on other users

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖3)-速報App

4. Message them if they match

Benefits of using Tripsy

★ Find and meet cool people interested in travelling with you

★ Plan trips together, shop, go out, eat, explore beaches/mountains/nature, or just hang out

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖4)-速報App

★ Visit your dream destinations and meet adventure travel companions

★ Meet locals on your trip and experience their hospitality, they can be your tour guides too!

★ Find companions to travel back to your hometown

★ Make lifelong connections knitted with experience and shared memories

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖5)-速報App

★ And who knows you might even meet the love of your life

Tripsy - Find travel partner(圖6)-速報App